Das Segeln von den Falklandinseln bis Süd Georgien war der
2te Teil der Reise und wiederum eine wunderbare Erfahrung. Es gab erneut
Wachen, aber das Mal war unsere blaue Gruppe leider etwas grösser, damit war
die Chance auf das Steuern recht reduziert.
Aber im Laufe der Tagen nahm die Begeisterung vor allem von unseren
weiblichen „Wacher“ stark ab, zum Teil erschienen sie gar nicht mehr J und das bedeutete mehr
Helm für Anitra. Die Zeit während des Segelns vergeht sehr schnell, es gibt die
Wache, dann das Helfen beim Setzen oder Ändern der Segel, Schlaf nachholen,
Musik hören, lesen und dann natürlich essen. Das Essen ist super an Bord, aber
das habe ich schon vorher erwähnt. Möglichkeiten für Spielen gibt es natürlich
genügend, nur müssen wir mit bestimmten Spielen warten bis die Wellen sich
legen. Backgammon zum Beispiel ist eine schier unmögliche Sache, da die Steinen
sich von einer Welle bis zur nächsten Wellen freiwillig meistens nur zur einer
Seite bewegen.
Nach 6 Tagen kam dann Land in Sicht. Na ja Land… das erste
was wir sahen waren die Shag Rocks. Mir war sofort klar wieso die Felsformation
Shag Rocks heissen. Simon war ganz schockiert als ich das laut sagte. Die
Felsformation ist so genannt worden, weil so viele Shags hier nesten und nicht weil einer der
Felsen aussieht wie ein riesigen …. Phallussymbol. Ich werde versuchen einen Foto
ein zu fügen und dann wird die Bedeutung vom
„Shaggen“ (BumsenJ) klarer. Sorry Simon,
I was just saying what everybody was thinking.
The first thing we did when we arrived at South Georgia, was
taking a Zodiac Tour. I got l ucky, cause only 4 people went on to Grey (our
grey zodiac) and our excellent guide Mike was on Grey. So we had a lot of space,
to turn around, to stand up, to get the best shots, while Mike was telling us
all about the habits of all those birds and seals. Excellent Trip!!!
But it is
getting better. Das Wetter spielt mit, wir haben Sonne, wenig Wind, fast
keine Welle und das gibt uns die Möglichkeit echt lange Spaziergänge zu machen.
Süd Georgien ist fantastisch. Im Vergleich zu den Falklandinseln und die
Antarktika gibt es hier das 20 fachige
Wildleben. Pinguine soweit das Auge reicht, Kingpenguins, Gentoo, Macaronni,
tausende von denen!! Seals
unbelievable, furseals; puppies, mummies, big mean daddies, teenagers, they are
fighting, feeding, swimming, sunbathing, fooling aoound, playing or screaming
for their mummies. Unfortunately there are big bad birds as well and we have to
watch that nature is taking care of everything. Those big birds do attack the
weaker ones, kill them while eating them, not a very nice sight. It takes me
some time to get used to wallking through all those furseals. At some beaches
the males are really territorial, they seem to think I might steal one out of
their harem, so they attack viciously, but by putting out my arms, making
noises, and look them really in the eyes, I can make them turn around before
they can take a bite out of my leg, raintrousers or my brand new boots. Very
good boots J!!
It took me a couple of days to get used to their behaviour, but by now, as we
go onshore two or three times a day, I am a bit more securer and wander of all
by myselve. It’s great just to sit on the beach, watch those furseals, look at
the Penguins and listen tot he noises those Elephantseals are making. Life is
great here. I’ve spend some very special moments on this Island! Taking wonderful hikes, Climbing up and down to very
secured places. Swimming in the icecold lakes, I did that once after our little
break, cause I wasn’t prepared for swimming. I had to swim naked, but I didn’t
want to do that while everybody was watching. So I just waited until everbody
was gone, quickly undressed and took a nice cool bath. After my first swim,
others decided that that was an excellent idea, so on our next trip, their were
already ten of us swimming. Some of them had tucks on (Gordon, a real Scott
with the most english, English Accent I’ve ever heard,) Jimbo, ofcourse in his
underpants and T-Shirt, Jeri and Norbert in their underwear, but Debbie and
Adam went skinny dipping as well, so it wasn’t only me! Feels great to swim in
that icecold water, makes you feel clean and totally refreshed. On the Europa
we have don’t have too much water at the moment. That means that showering is
restraint and no washing is done. I seem to have less clothes as many others,
but what can I do, everybody is having the same problem, well………. problem is a
too big word. Some of us don’t take this too serious and do take their everyday
shower, (thank you, that is probably why they can’t do our loundry) but I am
happy as long as I can take an occasionall swim, even without showering.
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