
Saturday, November 26, 2011


Montevideo is quite a nice town. Due to it's location there is always a seabreeze, which makes it feel less like a big city. With my horrible spanish I managed to get everywhere where I wanted to go. it took some questioning and a lot of not understandble answers but I spend a very nice time here. I finally had a lot of time for myself and some of the stuff, which I couldn't aknowledge until now came up. Mum and dad did get a share amount of time and thoughts while I was walking through the old part of Montevideo and that was good. They deserve that. It's a pity that they are no longer around, although I can hear my father saying: "Anitra, you cannot go there, you can not leave Beat again. It's not safe for a little girl" and I would love to respond: "Pa, I am a big girl now, more than big, I am over 50i. Yeah parents, they can be a pain but they are always there for you. Miss you pa!!  Well my little brother takes over pa's part. He is worrying a bit now, but easy Erik, everything is gone be alright (Bob Marley).

Let's continue with Montevideo. I didn't eat much there! Remember I had this lovely dinner with Beat, during those 3 days in Montevideo I was living on that.. Everywhere I turned they offered carnes i pollo, it smelled like meat, no way I could bring myself to enter one of the restaurants. there was a McDonald, but........... ok Beat will probably go there once or twice, because I am not there to say no. Es wäre extrem inkonsequent wenn i jetzt da pommes essen würde. Also habe ich meine Dürrfrüchte, Nüsse und Brevitacrackers gegessen, habe Früchte gekauft und habe es überlebt.

Seit gesternabend bin ich dann endlich auf der Bark, so nice to be back. Some of the crew are the same as last year, Val is here and her husband Martijn, yes they finally got married. Erik is here, so we'll have a lot of LUNCHTIMEs. The ship is almost the same, a couple of more firewarners, until now more sails as in the Antarctic. Looking forward to sail with all of them up.

After we got our introduction to the Bark and they showed and explaines useverything there is to know when you are a crewmember, we had a lovely dinner. Food is always excellent on board and they have extra stuff for vegetarians, mhhhhh. During dinnertime a big sealion showed up next to our ship and proudly showed us his belly. he was so quite!!! He gave us a pereformance of synchronized swimming. His 4 paws/fins came out of the  water completely synchronised with the small waves which where rolling through our small harbour. it's a pity that we weren't allowed to swim in the harbour. I finally could have had my swimming with the sealion(s). there will be other times!!

now it's time to say goodbye, the ship is due to leave in 10 minutes and that means no more internet.

my friends enjoy all the birthdays, which I'll miss, Sinterklaas and all the other nice events which you will have during my absence. write to you again as soon as I arrive on the Falklands.

First Contact

hoi zsamme, es sind wahrschinli noedde so vyl wo mis neue Blog tuend lese, deswege weiss i gar noed in welli sprach i soett schrybe. Broertje, Joos lezen jullie dit ook? Jantje, Jurrien? Jimbo are you reading this??? Wiebke..... all mini Liebe in und um Zuer, tuend ihr es laese? I know Beat is. Beat, danke dir dass du mir wiederum so ne super Blogste installiert haesch. Wobi i kaum zyt ha wird zum schrybe, da me morn scho los segeln. Ab Morn bin i dann nume zu erreiche.

Flug mit Iberia. Tja bei Globetrotter, they did warn me. It started very well. I had a nich farewell at Sportamt and then a verz nice dinner with Beat at the airport. Truff und Porcini with pasta. Jumie. Flying to madrid was fine, spending 3 hours at the airport was horrible, only very hard chairs, no way to lie down and gettig so tired........... finally we boarded and then. the waiting started and we waited and waited, first it was because one of the passengers was missing and they had to get his luggage out of the plane again. after that we waited a bit longer and longer and longer. 4.15 we finally left instead of 1.10. ok no problem lets go to sleep on the plane. Self service in the back of the plane you can get water as much as you want. Finally my eyes are almost closing, here they come at 6.30 in the morning DINNERTIME. hallooooooooo dinner!!!!!! it is half past six in the morning and they are serving dinner. ok I had a good dinne,r so I try again to fall  asleep. No way, my spanish speaking, only spanish speaking (ok this is my fault, Rita is not here and I haven't learned more than 4 words of spanish) neighbour starts to talk with Heti und Bleti, which means that there is no way I can sleep. Why can one close his eyes but not his ears. why o why weren't we born with earlids and eyelids.......Might be a good subject for eine Liz Arbeit. Luckily about eight hours later, he finally got tired of all the talking and hopping around. Lucky for me, it was time for Breakfast, come on guys it is 4 o'clock in the afternoon and we get breakfast served. luckily for me they have ham-cheese sandwiches, but luckily I had a very nice dinner a couple of hours before..............

Well, we finally landed, it took me a very long time to pass the customs, they do have a funny system here and it took even longer to go through the customs with my luggage, because the X-Ray it when you want to leave the airport.... It looks a bit like Sao Paulo where they x-ray your lugage when you are in transfer.  One never stops wondering...

ok time to stop, because once I got out of the airport the Uruquaen Busdrivers were on strike. Great here I am in my winterboots, Fasepelz und dicke Jacke, mit 20 Kg Bagage und die Busse fahren nicht. Taxis sind natuerlich weit und breit nicht in sicht, tja ABER ICH BIN GUT ANGEKOMMEN

Friday, November 25, 2011

Next station

Hi all,
this will be my next location :-)
stanley falklandinseln

Ab 10 Dezember wird der Bark hier vor Anker gehen. Ab 12 oder 13 Dez geht's dann los richtung Antartic.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

auf Erkundungstour

bin jetzt hier am erholen... mach ein Stadtbummel, werde viele Fotos machen und auch wieder viele Fotos löschen..........

Happy Landing mit IBERIA

Hallo Leute, 
Na dass fängt ja schon gut an... ich hätte doch lieber mit SWISS fliegen sollen.
schaut mal...

das habe nicht ich eingestellt, sondern Beat, der sitzt im Büro und hat das für mich gemacht :-)