
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

hi everybody, back on shore!! today we arrived in Ushuaia. I am very sad to leave my wonderful second home, but I am also looking forward to see everybody again. My trip has given me a lot of time and I hope I used it well. Saw the best wildlife ever, had some great swims in icy water, had beautiful long walks on South Georgia, Orkney and especially on Deception Island. Took so many photos. enjoyed all the watches I had. hèèèèèèèèèè and I never got seasick :-). sick of my clothes however. they smell, even though they did laundry almost every 4th day, but somehow the salt water, the penguinpoo, the smell of the furseals gets to it. After almost 7 weeksof wearing the same T-Shirts and thick trousers, the thermo underwear, I am looking forward to the milder temperatures and a bigger variation in clothes :-) Yes I hope I have enough to wear :-). I will leave most of my stuff on the Europa, so my bag won't be taht heavy. Tomorrow I go ashore and the day aftr tomorrow I'll be flying home. on Saturday evening I will be back in Zürich.

Hope all of you had a wunderful Xmas. We celebrated Xmas a on the 27th (Fred's birthday), because we were sailing from South GEorgia to the Orkney Islands. we had quit rough weather, but it wasn't as bad as the water we got on the Drake!!!

Happy New Year to all of you as well. eventhough I am a bit late, that doesn't matter does it?? We went on anchor in a small harbour on the 31 of Dez. Beautiful. Icebergs and Pinguins everywhere. beautiful susnsset and sunrise. A leopardseal gave a ten minutr show in front of our boat, showing us what REAL SWIMMING  and diving is. But it wasn't much of a party, because everybody was too tired because of the watches. well we had a nich party last night, with singing and photocompetition.

Just imagine, we had 2 photocompetitions with 5 different categories and I won twice. the firts time in the categorie Wildlife (a beautiful white Furseal) and last night in the categorie Free. A picture taken off a high cliff on which you see a lot of nice icebergs with penguins on it.

you'll see them when I get home.

Well, this is it for now, I am off to the Europa again, oh no not true, I go for awonderful dinner and after that I'll get the zodiac to bring me "home" again. Last night on the Europa, but I hope only for this time, hope to be back again.

looking forward to see you all again, looking forward to see all "my kids " again. Looking forward to see Beat again :-)

lots of love from Ushuaia

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